Being a student entrepreneur has more advantages than challenges. You can make your tuition back 3 fold from the assistance a large university gives you on your entrepreneurial journey” says  Mandeep Patel, Founder of ElecTrip

ElecTrip was created to be the most cost-effective, comfortable, and convenient travel solution.

Mandeep is a Mechanical Engineering Student at University of Texas.

During engineering internships Mandeep would find ways to pitch a business case for infrastructure investments to executives. During an analyst role, he developed software automation to streamline workflows and save hundreds of labor hours. He would always push himself to do more and could learn more. This inspired him started his own company-to take on as much responsibility as he could and push himself to grow.

Read on for an amazing interview.


What is the story behind starting ElecTrip?

Recognized a market need for Texas transportation while at my internship at BP. Knew about the low operating costs of Teslas from my fascination with electric cars. Put my life savings into one car and bam, MVP created.

What do you think are your accomplishments so far?

We were growing at 600%/yr before COVID. We gave 10+ drivers consistent income that was 30% higher than the Uber average.

What was the source of your initial funding for ElecTrip?

Personal funds from internships and pitch competitions.

What is your mission, and do you see yourself continuing with this effort even after graduating?

Yes, our goal is to electrify transportation by providing customers with no-compromise travel experiences.

Who are your major customers?

We sell mostly to businesses in the consulting, energy, and law industries.

Who all have been influential in this journey?

My mother was instrumental in building the company, she co-signed on the first loan. She was also always there to support me when I was in trouble. EO, entrepreneurs organization, helped me tremendously as well. I got to see an example of real entrepreneurs and to learn.

What are some of the challenges you see in being a student entrepreneur?

Time management, my GPA suffered. Advantages?

So many, you can make your tuition back 3 fold from the assistance a large university gives you on your entrepreneurial journey.

How much time do you and your team spend working on your company?

2/4 ARE FULL time, the others are part time.

What is the one thing that keeps you going?

A desire to create and to share. That eclipses the difficulty.

What are some things you wish you knew a year (or two) ago?

Things compound. You don’t have to make $100,000 tomorrow. Focus on your core competencies and the ball will start rolling.

How do you prioritize your activities in a day/ week?

I read Eat That Frog. I always make a list of the top 3 and complete first. Then I try to hit at least 1 or 2 stretch goals. Saturday and Sunday morning is for the fam, Friday nights are for the boys, and Saturday and sunday nights are for the ladies. Keeping a good balance allows me to be a lot more flexible and hard working when it counts.

Anything else you would like us to know about you or your organization?

COVID has affected us significantly, but we’re looking for pivots and new markets with essential travelers.


ElecTrip has pivoted really well to adapt to COVID situations and is now providing active services with all safety measures and thee required amenities.

Visit them at to book your next Tesla ride!