Brianna Makaric is a senior at Michigan State University where she studies Advertising Management and Entrepreneurship. She is an avid runner, yogi and loves to cook. She took the entrepreneurial leap so early because of a personal need to get probiotics in her diet and combining her love for health and wellness. BRITE bites sells all-natural bars with a focus on giving people an easy way to get probiotics

Read on for a fun and informative interview with Brianna

  • What inspired you to start BRITE bites?

Founder, Bri Makaric, is a Michigan State University student. Growing up she struggled with many different nutrient deficiencies and digestive problems.It was difficult for her to find a snack that could give her the nutrients she needed. She began taking probiotics in a pill form, which immensely improved her digestive system. However, she knew there had to be an easier, more convenient way to get her probiotics in. Bri wanted to combine her passion for health + wellness to make the world a healthier place…one bite at a time. She built this brand as a reflection of her own lifestyle but more importantly, to inspire others to prioritize living a healthy lifestyle. Her goal is to make healthy snacks convenient, and great-tasting!

  • What is your mission, and do you see yourself continuing with this effort even after graduating?

BRITE bites exists to help you make healthier choices in the simplest way possible. We get it, swallowing pills is a pain. That’s why we decided to put your daily probiotic in a flavorful, shelf stable bite. By combining nutrient-rich ingredients with gut-healthy probiotics you will have the vitality and the capacity  to live a happy and fulfilled life. Yes, Bri just graduated a few weeks ago and is working on the company full-time.

  • What have your accomplishments been so far?

Selling in retail locations and on Amazon, launching multiple products and re-branding.

  • What was the source of your initial funding? Have you received any funding or incubator support?

Early on I received funding through my schools incubator program and in the last 2 years I have competed nationally and internationally in business pitch competitions and secured funding through these.

  • Who all have been influential in this journey? You may include family, friends, mentors, books etc?

I am grateful for my family and mentors that push me every day to be a better entrepreneur and person.

  • What are some of the challenges you see in being a student entrepreneur?

Balancing between classes and business and a social life is no joke, you have to make choices and sacrifices frequently.

  • How much time do you and your team spend working on your company?

Close to 100 hours a week all together

  • Do you see academics getting affected?

Yes, but is a balance and I know I am not able to give 110% to business and school and myself so you have to pick and choose.

  • What is the one thing that keeps you going?

To know we are making a difference in people’s lives by making healthy food convenient  and delicious. I love hearing from customers how we encouraged them to move their body and fuel their body in the best ways possible.

  • What are some things you wish you knew a year (or two) ago?

Starting a company will be the hardest thing you have ever done and will ever do. I find it a blessing I didn’t realize how hard it would be, if I knew I don’t think I would be where I am today.

  • Anything else you would like us to know about you or your organization?

I am deeply passionate about helping other young entrepreneurs get started and so if you have any questions please reach out.

  • How do you prioritize your activities in a day/ week?

Prioritization is key, each day I have a list 1 through 10 or more on what needs to get done and it is from most important to lowest. I look at when deadlines are approaching and make sure I am working on the most important things first especially early in the morning when my brain is the most focused.

  • What is the one quote you live by?

“You didn’t come this far to ONLY come this far”


We are confident that the team has miles to go!